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advertising inquiry today
Devon Tschritter
General Manager/General Sales Manager
The key to successful advertising is to determine the best medium or combination of media to accomplish your sales and marketing objectives. This profile covers Magazines alone or as part of a Magazines / Radio media mix.
Targetability: With a range of titles that appeal to a wide variety of demographics, lifestyles and interests, advertisers can focus on those consumers that fit their needs.
Strong Visuals: Magazine ads can be highly creative and aesthetically appealing through the effective use of photography, graphics, color and copy.
Advertorial: An in-depth advertising message can be created to appear more like editorial copy than an advertisement, although most magazines require such advertorials to be identified as advertising rather than editorial content.
Advertorial: An in-depth advertising message can be created to appear more like editorial copy than an advertisement, although most magazines require such advertorials to be identified as advertising rather than editorial content.
Inflexible: Because of lead time, advertising must be prepared long before publication dates, prohibiting advertisers from responding instantly to changing market conditions.